Welcome to the ongoing series Blueprint of the Soul—becoming the architect of your own destiny by learning to read your astrological birth chart. Here in EP05 we...
Welcome to the series Blueprint of the Soul—becoming the architect of your own destiny by learning to read your astrological birth chart. Here in EP04 we continue our...
Welcome to the 1st episode of my new series Blueprint of the Soul—where we will learn to become the architects of our own destiny by learning to read our astrological...
Ok, we made it through! Over the course of this series of articles we’ve examined each of the six generations that make up the current composition of contemporary...
This is a generation coming into the world prepared to roll up their collective sleeves and do the heavy lifting that will be required to save humanity from the brink of...
This is a collective of souls who are incarnating together in an effort to explain and understand the very nature of the cosmos and humanity’s place within the grand...
Astrologer Daljeet Peterson gives his astrology forecast for Pisces Season 2021 (Feb 18–Mar 19). ______________________________ For more information about Daljeet...