On February 18, 2022 at 8:44am PST, the Sun ends its month-long journey through aquarius and enters Pisces — the seasonal shift from fixed air to mutable water. We shift...
The Unconscious Desires of the Soul of a Nation On February 20, 2022 Pluto will return to the exact position in the sky where it was on July 4, 1776—the day of the...
On January 19, 2022 at 6:40pm PST, the Sun ends its month-long journey through Capricorn and enters Aquarius — the seasonal shift from cardinal earth to fixed air. What...
On October 22, 2021 at 9:54 pm PST, the Sun leaves the air sign of Libra and enters into the water sign of Scorpio, as we move from a time for beautiful ideas about...
Mercury is retrograde in Libra from September 27—October 18, 2021. Daljeet gives advice to all 12 signs. Here are links for every sign: Aries 07:37 Taurus 14:06 Gemini...