Solar Return Reading

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Solar Return Reading

Solar Return Reading
Solar Return Reading

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Solar Return Reading

Model Number: SOLR-01
A reading to check in with your current goals, desires and aspirations. Are you on the right path, or is it time for a change? What can you expect for the year ahead?
(60-minute live Zoom reading)
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Your Price: $188.00
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Manufacturer: Astrolab21
  • Description

Every year on your birthday, the Sun returns to the place in the sky where it was when you were born. This is known in astrology as your Solar Return—and it is the perfect time for a chart reading. A time to check in with your goals, desires and aspirations. To question:

  • Are you on the right path, or is it time for a change?
  • What can you expect for the year ahead?
  • How can you best utilize the energies, resources and opportunities at your disposal?
  • What are the best times to implement your plans in the coming year?

In this session, we’ll look at your transits for the next year and give you a game plan for how to navigate the ups and downs of life with confidence and ease.  

Format: 60-minute live Zoom reading (shared as a video file for future reference). 
Requirements: accurate date, time and place of birth.

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